Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make an appointment with my child's teacher?
Please call the Main Office (423-478-8814) and leave a message. The office will submit your request to the teacher and the teacher will return your call. You may also use contact teachers through e-mail. At any time you are welcome to send a note to the teacher in your child's take-home folder and/or agenda.
Which bus will my child ride?
You can search for buses by street name at this link: https://bit.ly/2uZriPT
If you have any further questions, please contact the school office: (423-478-8814)
What do I need when I visit or pick up my child early?
Anyone coming into the building must sign-in and receive a badge at the front desk. A visitor’s driver’s license will be scanned and a picture badge will be printed. Check out will occur when the visitor returns the badge to the office staff.
How do I sign up to become a parent volunteer?
If you would like to become a parent volunteer, please contact Ann Ledford, our Title I teacher, for more information. She can provide you with more information, opportunities, and the procedures in becoming a volunteer. [email protected]
How do I register my child at Prospect Elementary School?
The first thing you will need to do is fill out a registration form. You may either come by the school and fill one out or print one off here: https://4.files.edl.io/80ad/06/04/18/002216-9fcb5fa0-4575-48ed-822e-fd0053201c55.pdf
Click here for online registration form.
The following documents are required for registration:
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card
- Tennessee State Immunization Certificate
- Proof of Residence - (Acceptable proof includes a current utility bill, with the parent's name and address printed on it. If parents have not been living at the residence long enough to have a utility bill, a contract or lease of a house and/or apartment will be accepted.
If you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact the Main Office (423-478-8814)
How do I register my kindergarten child at Prospect Elementary School?
Pre-Registration for Kindergarten usually begins in March. It is important to pre-register your child before the new school year begins. This will ensure that our office knows in advance how many kindergarten students to expect.
The following documents are required at the time of pre-registration.
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card
- Tennessee School Immunization Certificate - (To obtain this certificate, parents should contact their child's doctor or the health department and schedule an appointment for a kindergarten physical. Children must have either had a physical or have an appointment to get a physical before entering school.)
- Proof of Residence - (Acceptable proof includes a current utility bill, with the parent's name and address printed on it. If parents have not been living at the residence long enough to have a utility bill, a contract or lease of a house and/or apartment will be accepted.
If you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact the Main Office (423-478-8814)