Family Engagement
Parent and Family Engagement Plans
Prospect Elementary Plan:
Prospect Elementary School
Family Engagement Plan
(Created November 2023)
If you have any questions concerning this plan, please contact Shannon Belisle at 478-8814.
Goal Statement: Encourage and maintain effective relationships between school and community.
Objective 1: Provide timely communication concerning school curriculum, assessments, and events.
Action Plan:
- A system-wide calendar is distributed at the beginning of each school year within the parent handbook.
- A website for our school system is regularly maintained with postings of the school calendar and links to the school website.
- Parents are provided awareness regarding the Family Engagement Plan in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, provided in a language the parents can understand.
- PES has established on-going communication via Facebook and Instagram and regularly posts upcoming events and/or news for parents.
- The principal provides weekly communication with teachers and parents via newsletter, e-mail/ video / or One Call phone services concerning the following week and all school activities.
- The school website is maintained to provide parents the opportunity to view the Family Engagement Plan and offer suggestions and/or amendments to the plan.
- The school website is maintained to provide parents the opportunity to view the following: the student handbook, current school events, curriculum offerings, a district wide assessment calendar, and the Tennessee State Standards.
- Open House/Meet N’ Greets are held annually to familiarize parents to the beginning of a new school year, to define school-wide Title I parameters, to discuss parent involvement, and to share standardized testing results.
- A student/parent handbook is provided to outline school procedures, discipline policies, dress-code, and other pertinent information.
- Daily/Weekly parent communication through folders, student agendas, and electronic applications provide parents a glimpse of their child’s academic progress and behavior status. Parents’ signatures and/or electronic responses are documented to indicate receipt of this communication.
- Teachers log any phone calls, notes, or personal contact with the school community and keep these in a Parent Engagement Folder.
- Parent Conferencing is offered, in both, the first and second semester of each school year and may be student led. Conferences offer a flexible number of meeting times. Other conferences are scheduled at the teacher’s discretion.
- Test results from spring standardized tests are sent home in report cards at the beginning of each school year.
- A description of curriculum and the expected proficiency levels for each grade level are given to parents and students annually.
- One Call, a phone tree messaging service, is utilized to inform parents of upcoming school events, testing information and/or other pertinent information as it pertains to the education of their child.
- In addition to the school, the PES PTO manages and maintains contact with parents through the social media avenue of Facebook.
Objective 2: Promote family and community participation in school activities.
Action Plan:
- Two Parent Volunteer Orientation Meetings are held at the beginning of each year.
- The Title I Teacher serves as the Family Engagement coordinator and matches volunteers to service opportunities.
- A parent volunteer handbook has been developed and is updated annually. All volunteers are provided a copy of this handbook.
- Volunteers sign-in electronically upon arrival to the school so that their participation can be monitored.
- A Community Celebration/Luncheon is held for community partners in appreciation of their gifts/donations to the school.
- Grandparents are treated to a special event during the year.
- A PTO is established and holds regular meetings.
- A Christmas Crafting event is held in December for all grades and provides parents the opportunity to make crafts, decorate cookies, and engage in a variety of Christmas activities with their children.
- Science/ Math Night/ Art Night is held annually for all grades and provides parents the opportunity to participate in hands-on activities with their children.
- A “Kindergarten Rocks” is held for potential Kindergarten students and their parents each Spring to provide opportunities to tour the facilities.
- Prospect Elementary School participates in the annual event “Read for the Record,” where positive male role models from the community are invited to attend a breakfast and spend time reading books to the students.
- Information related to school and parent programs and other activities is sent to the parents in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.
- Parents are invited to assist in the production of numerous school activities, such as: field trips, in-class art projects, fall festival, and spring auction
- Parents and staff are educated on the importance and value of building ties between the parents and the school via Home Connect documents.
- The PES PTO sponsors three family engagement events each year such as Back to School Bash, Fall Festival, Valentine’s Dance.
- The Prospect Singers travel to business partners in the holiday season to perform Christmas carols.
Objective 3: Provide curriculum-based activities to be utilized at home to enable and encourage parents to participate in their child’s education.
Action Plan:
- Home/School Connection letters are sent home monthly which suggest educational activities for parents and students to do together.
- The RTI2 program is utilized and provides parents, whose children need intensive reading/math instruction, the opportunity to participate in data team meetings.
- 4-H projects provide the parents of 4th/5th grade students the opportunity to participate in activities such as speech writing, demonstrations, and creative arts with their children.
- Materials and training may be provided to help parents work with their children to improve their achievement.
- In coordination with our pre-school program, READY training and/or other pertinent information may be offered to the parents of the children who attend the PES Pre-K Program.
- Parents have access to utilize the Accelerated Reader Program at home with their children for reading practice.
- Prospect Elementary (alongside the district) promotes literacy through the READ20 initiative. Various READ20 activities are available to community members each year.
- A “little library” is available to the community just outside the front doors of the school to encourage parents to read at home with their children.
Objective 4: Provide parent and community opportunities to give input concerning school needs and goals.
Action Plan:
- Parents serve on School Improvement/AdvancEd Committees and the Title I Task Force.
- Surveys are conducted annually of all parents, students and teachers. Survey results are used in conjunction with test scores to develop the SIP plan.
- Suggestions are taken annually at the Parent Volunteer Orientation for improving parental participation. Two sessions are held at differing times to allow maximum participation.
- The Student/Parent/Teacher Compact is jointly developed by teachers and parents from all schools in our district and is reviewed annually at Title I Task Force Meetings.
- Parents may be invited to serve on the Director of Schools Advisory Committee.
- Parents may be invited to serve on the PES Parent Advisory Council.
- The school website is maintained to provide parents the opportunity to view the Family Engagement Plan and offer suggestions and/or amendments to the plan.
Objective 5: Coordinate community services with students’ needs.
Action Plan:
- The Prospect Elementary School Counselor works in coordination with Centerstone, and the Department of Children’s Services to support students’ mental health on an as-needed basis.
- Classroom teachers identify students who might need clothing, shoes, or school supplies. These services are provided by local churches, and/or other private donations.
- Free vision / hearing screenings are conducted each year by the Lion’s Club of Cleveland for grades K, 2, and 4.
- Black Fox/McDonald Ruritan Clubs and The Empty Stocking Fund, provide Christmas shopping opportunities for families identified as needing assistance.
- YMCA provides an on-campus after-school program for working parents.
- Big City University and North Cleveland Baptist provide after-school programming for students who may have lower socio-economic backgrounds. This program provides new and innovative activities that integrate academic content with a creative environment.
- Centerstone, a therapeutic counseling service, is available to students during school hours for those who may be identified as needing mental health services.
- Various guest speakers are invited to visit with students who may be in a current study related to their specific field of employment. (Examples: the Mayor of Cleveland, local dentists, veterinarians, employees from Cleveland Utilities, Bradley County Sheriff’s Office and many others).
- The Bradley County Fire-Rescue Department provides an annual presentation for students in grades K-3 on fire prevention and safety.
- Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland provides volunteers to the school who teach age-appropriate material to kids in one of the following areas: financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and/or work readiness.
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