Chrissy Geren » Class Expectations

Class Expectations

Just like your child's classroom teacher has rules for them to follow, I have rules in the gym too. These rules are as follows:
Silent zone during instruction- This will allow me to give instruction and directions without having to repeat myself, which will allow students to have more time being active and reaching their Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity level.
Keep hands and feet to yourself-  This rule is to keep your child and all students safe.
Always show good sportsmanship-  I stress fun and learning in my classes.  Winning and losing is not something I spend a lot of time emphasizing.  I want students to feel safe and enjoy trying new things.  Making fun of other students for lack of ability will not be tolerated. 
WEAR TENNIS SHOES-  This is a must for safety reasons and also to enable your child to participate at their full potential.